The time we climbed a mountain

Tuesday setting work

Me, Rueben, My uncle Isaac, my 14 year old cousin Henry and my mom and dad

climbed out of our green boat, which could barely support all of our combined weight. Even getting across the lake to the mountain that we were going to climb was dangerous. Our boat was weighed down by our weight.

But we had made It across the wide green lake and arrived at the mountain. As we climbed out we all looked at the majestic mountain towering above the lake and the forest and looked at each other.

“Can we even climb that!!??” I said, taking in how tall the mountain was.

“Yeah” said my cousin Henry.

“It does seem pretty tall” but then my Mom replied “yes”

“We will climb it.” so we all started our tiring journey up the mountain.

The trail started fairly flat, and we proceeded slowly up the tree clustered mountain.

The walking was hard though and we nearly slipped down the mountain many times due to the dirt and rocks clustered allong the steep trail. [a]

“When are we gonna get to the top?” my little brother whined as we walkedup the trail.
“Oh, about 45 minutes.” my dad replied.
“NOOOO!” cried Rueben, who obviously thought that that was too long.

It was a long and hard walk, surrounded by trees poking out around the trails and big rocks clustered on the mountainside. But we finnaly made it to the top of the mountain. When we arrived at the top, a collective “phew” from all of us rose up.

The top of the mountain was basically a big rock, covered with moss and these little gray bugs, that would require the vision of a microscope to really see well.

The buggs hopped around the rocks, and watched them to see where they would go. They led us to the edge of the rock, which was a sharp cliff.

If you fell off of it you would die before you hit the ground.

So we all walked away from the big cliff to go to the middle of the big round rock to eat lunch and picnic with a lunch of roast beef sandwiches and oreos.

After that, we made our way back down the mountain, to come to our boat, and go back across the lake to the dock at our camp, get off, and swim, and do a things that you would generraly do at a camp, like roasting smores and lots of other things, and then going to bed after a fun, but exuasting day.

One thought on “The time we climbed a mountain

  • Posted on May 15, 2020 at 3:12 pm

    That sounds like QUITE the climb…bravo!!


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